
Finding flow for every employee


‘Bringing your whole self to work.’ 这真的有用吗?? It can be less useful than it sounds. It doesn’t help people to know 和 underst和: ‘what truly makes me tick?’

There’s a low-cost, quick win that managers can leverage. It can help everyone to be their most successful–和 their most satisfied. This, in turn, allows everyone to be more productive. The concept is Zone of Genius, 和 here’s how we use it.

A matrix for brilliance

At Sana, we want people to do their life’s work. 这意味着我们有责任培养每一位员工的才能和抱负. 每一天.

This is why we love Zone of Genius.

最简单地说, Zone of Genius是一个矩阵,可以帮助人们了解自己在哪些方面非常有天赋. We borrow the idea from psychologist 同性恋亨德里克斯, 和 love how Front CEO 马蒂尔德科林 已经适应了它. To me, it’s the ultimate matrix for learning unique brilliance.



Being good at something doesn’t mean we enjoy it. We are constantly working on tasks that don't give us energy. 我们可能会错过什么, 然而, is that the people around us are just as talented at the same activities. The key difference is that they also 给他们补充能量 from these same activities.

没有像Zone of Genius这样的框架来让这些偏好变得透明, 企业可能会忽视员工对自己所做工作的真实感受. That’s a dangerous game to play at the best of times, let alone in situations of macroeconomic uncertainty.

Building energy, maximizing productivity

“天才地带”对企业和员工都是有益的,因为它认识到一个重要的事实:花在一项任务上的时间和生产力是不相关的. The four zones listed emphasize energy rather than time. The more time you spend doing what you love, the more energy you have; the more energy you have, the more productive 和 happier you’ll be. 就是这么简单.

在Sana,我们认为帮助员工管理他们的工作是我们的责任 能量有效的. So we’ve made Zone of Genius a 仪式 exercise for every new hire 和 their manager. 这是建立联系的一部分,并为每季度的“天才地带”签到奠定了基础. It’s a personal exercise, 但我们在工作中培养它,因为它能建立心理安全感,帮助人们更好地了解自己.

我帮助所有的Sanians建立他们的天才区,结果总是让我惊讶. So often, we devalue our strengths 和 skills. What’s familiar to a person can feel unremarkable; what provides energy can seem mundane. 但是当人们能够清楚地了解自己的优势和能量时,他们就会被赋予力量. They have the gift of knowledge.

Discover your Zone of Genius

理解“天才地带”不仅仅是一项管理技能——每个人都应该有这种自我认识. 但 before introducing the concept to your employees, I’d suggest getting to know it for your own needs. It will help you to guide them through the process.

If you’re doing this activity for the first time, 如果有人能和你交换意见,并以局外人的眼光看待你的技能,这是很有帮助的. Grab a trusted colleague, your calendar, 和 the matrix. It’s time to find your Zone of Genius.

First, grab your calendar

Step 1: open up your calendar. Look over every activity for the last 1-3 weeks. And yes, I mean everything! Every All H和s call, admin task, team social. Even your hobbies outside work.

List every activity in one of the four zones. 做 writing a business case give you energy, but you know you’re not a specialist? That’s for the 能力范围. 你是否在招聘方面表现出色,但当你仔细思考时,你意识到这让你筋疲力尽? That activity belongs in the 卓越区.

在Sana,我们鼓励人们增加他们的社交活动,尽管这是个人的选择. For example, I read biographies 和 bring those learnings to the team. 也许工程师正在制作一款游戏,或者营销人员正在撰写一份时事通讯. Sanians发现将他们的时间和活动作为一个整体来考虑是有益的. 这有助于我们发现有趣的模式和空白——天才可能隐藏的地方.

当你注意到活动时, 想想你当时的感受:在考虑了假期政策后,你是否感到厌倦? Did designing that away day fill you with joy? 记下来. Listen to yourself closely.


如果你还没有, 试着找出3到5个属于你的“天才区域”的技能——你可能很幸运,已经有很多技能了, but be specific 和 hone it down. 如果你没有3到5个,再深入一点,或者问问你信任的同事的想法.

然后, with this exciting insight in h和, ask yourself: “How can I spend even more time working in this area?“如果你的个人活动比你的工作技能更多地属于你的天才区域, 你能把这些信息告诉你的经理,帮助他们利用你的技能来发展你的事业吗?

Get ready to grow - 和 excel

While finding genius is the goal, don’t overlook the other zones. 他们教你如何处理桌上的其他非天才活动.


Competence activities are a huge learning opportunity. After all, they give you energy. 再多一点专注和专业知识,能力就能演变成天才. 把你学到的东西和你的经理谈谈——根据这些信息,你的职责如何发展? Can you ask for more training? You’ll never know until you try.


These are the activities you should be outsourcing or automating. They don’t give you energy, so they won’t serve you in the long run. If or when you can’t let these tasks go, build in some gamification. Challenge yourself to timeboxing the tasks in half the time, treat yourself to an oat latte when you’re done — 然而 it works for you, 让它变得很棒.

Rolling out Zone of Genius

现在你已经找到了你的天才区域,是时候帮助团队中的其他人了. At Sana, we run the exercise every 3 months. 这是一段足够长的时间来取得有意义的进展,而不允许漂移.

If Zone of Genius is new to your ways of working, it’s low-cost to roll out. 但这是一种高杠杆作用——它揭示的见解对个人和雇主都非常有用. When people 和 their employers underst和 ‘motivation+energy’, it allows everyone to work with passion 和 impact.



People can find their Zone of Genius by working alone or in pairs. 你可以举办一个启动研讨会来介绍这项活动,然后把小组分成两组. No management consultants or costly workbooks. All we’re using is people, calendars, 和 the matrix. 练习结束后,将每个人聚集在一起,分享他们的经验和学习. The more open the discussion, the easier the process becomes.

Sustain with review cycles

“天才地带”练习是对季度绩效评估的一个有价值的补充. Sure, it adds a little extra time to review sessions. 但这是值得的. You’ll have the latest peer 和 manager feedback in h和, 还有3个月的表现数据——这是评估一个人的区域是否发生了变化的理想方法.

Create a common language

当每个人都理解了Zone of Genius,它就变成了一个明确责任的工具.

例如,在Sana,经常听到有人说,“我可以帮忙,但这不是我的天才区。. Let's find a better way to move this task forward.这比说你不想做某事更有建设性,也更能提供信息, 或者更糟, taking on the task 和 resenting it. 有了公司词汇中的“天才区”,每个人都可以更加透明.

Finding someone’s Zone of Genius is a special moment. 你已经找到了天赋和能量之间的匹配,并且可以在他们的眼中看到令人兴奋的未来. 如果你像我一样,为这些时刻而活,那么你将踏上一段不可思议的、有益的旅程.


读文章 夏天的庆祝活动
























